Expobadge 260 - Conference badge

Expobadge 260 are the de facto option for fairs, conferences and events. They are the largest badges we provide and are the ideal choice when paired with an edge-to-edge full colour design.

Scroll down to discover all you need to know when working with these types of badges.

Why Expobadge 260?

  • Live or in advance full colour printed badges.
  • Edge-to-edge design.
  • Used in conjunction with lanyards that can also be branded.

Expobadge 260 specifictions

Pre printLive print
  • Size: 96,5 x 134mm.
  • 3 slots for lanyards.
  • Printed on both sides.
  • Perfect edge to edge result.

Colourful or personalised lanyards

Chose from one of our predefined colous or customize your lanyards with a logo, text or both.

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