Expobadge 260S

The little brother of the Expobadge 260. The "S" variant is also a very popular pick for fairs and events.

Scroll down to discover all you need to know when working with these types of badges.

Why Expobadge 260S?

  • Live or in advance full color printed badges.
  • Edge-to-edge design.
  • Smaller size than the Expobadge 260.
  • Still large enough to hold lots of data.
  • Both sides can be printed and customized.

Expobadge 260S specifictions:

  • Size: 96,50 x 82mm
  • 3 slots for lanyards
  • Printed edge to edge and and folded for double sided badge with professional inkjet technology from Epson.

Colorful or personalised lanyards

Chose from one of our predefined colors or customize your lanyards with a logo, text or both

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