Expobadge T180

Expobadge T180 is a great alterrnative to the Expobadge 260 because they are 100% made out of FSC certified paper. In addition they don't generate any waste when printing.

Scroll down to discover all you need to know when working with these types of badges.

Why Expobadge T180?

  • FSCĀ® certified papier
  • Live or in advance full color printed badges.
  • Used in conjunction with lanyards that can also be branded.

Expobadge T180 specifictions:

  • Size: 96,5 x 134mm
  • 180 gram/m2 paper
  • 3 slots for lanyards
  • CMYK printed and folded for double sided badge with professional inkjet technology from Epson.    

Colorful or personalised lanyards

Chose from one of our predefined colors or customize your lanyards with a logo, text or both.

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