Expobadge 260T
Expobadge 260T is a tear resistant variant of the Expobadge 260. They are the largest badges we provide and are the ideal choice for multi day events. This variant contains a thin internal plastic layer that makes tearing virtually impossible.
Scroll down to discover all you need to know when working with these types of badges.
Why Expobadge 260T?
- Tear resistant
- Live or in advance full colour printed badges.
- Edge-to-edge design.
- Used in conjunction with lanyards that can also be branded.
Expobadge 260T specifictions
- Size: 96,5 x 134mm.
- 3 slots for lanyards.
- Printed on both sides.
- Perfect edge to edge result.
Colourful or personalised lanyards
Chose from one of our predefined colous or customize your lanyards with a logo, text or both.